- Homework 0, No Due Date
- I made the following recording to help walk you through the set-up (link)
- It would be best to install Julia and a code editor such as VS code before the first lecture.
- You will need to install Git and do the rest of the assignment before submitting Homework 1.
- Homework 1, Due August 9
- Submit Link: https://classroom.github.com/a/PIR0phPT
- Solutions
- Homework 2: Due Wednesday August 16.
- Submit Link: https://classroom.github.com/a/gYCf0Llh
- Solutions
- Homework 3: Due Wednesday August 23.
- Homework 4, Due August 30
- Submit Link: https://classroom.github.com/a/I74gIvkM
- Homework 4 Solutions