1. Install Julia Progamming Language


After installing Julia, you should be able to open a Julia command prompt and run Julia code on your computer.

2. Make a github account


3. Install Git and configure basic settings


After installing git, you should be able to go open a git command prompt on your computer.

You will want to configure some basic settings for git by running the following commands. The first two commands are only necessary on if you are on a Windows operating system. For the last three, replace the information in parenthesis with your own info.

  git config --global core.eol lf
  git config --global core.autocrlf false
  git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
  git config --global user.name "Your Name"   
  git config --global github.user "GITHUBUSERNAME"  

OPTIONAL Quant Econ provides an excellent discussion of version control:


5. Submit a simple Github classroom assignment.

In this class, we will use Github classroom for submitting assignments. This will help you get comfortable with using version control, git, and Github.

  1. Click on the Homework 0 link I shared with you in the intro email to accept the Homework 0 assignment. This will create a Homework 0 repository for you on Github.
  2. Clone the repository from Github to your local computer using the “git clone” command.
  3. Edit the code.jl file to include the following command:
print("Hello world")
  1. Commit and sync your changes to github.
  2. You’re done!