August 23, 2023

Economic Models

  • Most economic models involve an agent or set of agents trying to maximize something.
    • Individuals maximize their utility.
    • Firms maximize their profits.
    • Governments maximize welfare.
  • These maximization problems are subject to some constraints.
    • Budget constraints.
    • Incentive compatibility constraints.
  • Whenever you build a model, it is important to know who your agents are and what constraints they face.

Dynamic or Static

  • Static: Choices today do not affect future pay-offs.
    • What type of cereal brand to buy.
    • Labor-leisure choice.
  • Dynamic: Choices today do affect future pay-offs.
    • Addiction.
    • Human capital accumulation such as college.
    • Investment choice of a firm.
  • Static models are simpler. Start simple.
  • Dynamic programming will help solve dynamic models.

Discrete and continuous Variables.

  • State and control variables can be either:
  • Discrete: Finite number of choices:
    • What industry to work in?
    • Whether to go to college?
    • Whether to adopt new technology?
  • Continuous: Infinite number of choices.
    • How much to save or invest?
    • What price to set?
    • How many hours to work?
  • Not clear which one is simpler, but start simple.

Infinite Time of Finite Time

  • Infinite Time: Agents possibly live forever.
    • Typically used for firms and government.
    • Ok when agents don’t look far in advance.
    • Solve with value function iteration or something else.
  • Finite Time: Agents’ decisions end in some terminal period.
    • Necessary to study how things evolve over the life-cycle.
    • Retirement, human capital accumulation, etc.
    • Solve via backward induction from final period.

Today: Ben-Porath Model

  • What is optimal human capital accumulation over the life-cycle?
  • Time invested in human capital accumulation:
    • Increase our wages.
    • But decreases time spent working.
  • Model begins at age 20. Workers retire at age 70.
  • Agent has a learning ability \(a\) and initial human capital \(h_0\).
  • Each period decide how much time to spend learning and working.

How do we solve this?

  • We could start at age 20 and consider all possible HC paths.
    • Takes forever.
    • Even if HC only takes two values, there are \(2^{50} > 10^{15}\) possible paths.
  • Better way: Use dynamic programming.
    • Start at age 70. You won’t invest in human capital.
    • Then we can solve at age 69.
    • Then go to age 68, …, finally age 20.

Formal Value function

  • Agent with ability \(a\) at age \(t\) with human capital \(h\) chooses investment \(I\) in human capital to maximize: \[ V(a, h, t) = \max_I u(c) + \beta V(a, h', t+1) \]
  • subject to: \[ c = h (1 - I) \]

\[ h' = (a(hI)^\kappa + h)\epsilon \] \[ \log\epsilon \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2) \] - Terminal condition: \(V(-,-,71) = 0\).

Age 70 Problem

\[ V(a, h, 70) = \max_I u(c) + \beta V(a, h', 71) \] - subject to: \[ c = h (1 - I) \] - Plug in terminal condition: \[ V(a, h, t) = \max_I u(c) \]

  • We can solve this! \(I = 0\).

Then go back to age 69.

  • Now we know \(V(a,h,70)\) for all values of \(a\) and \(h\) on a grid.
  • We can interpolate \(h\) and solve: \[ V(a, h, 69) = \max_I u(c) + \beta V(a, h', 70) \]
  • Once we solve this, we have \(V(a,h,69)\). Can solve at age 68.
  • Then solve at age 67. … Then solve at age 20.
  • Let’s code this up.

Wrapping Up

In this class, we have learned how to:

  • Do things on a computer that you can’t do with pencil and paper.

    • Approximating and optimizing functions.
  • Do these things quickly.

    • Writing good code in Julia, dynamic programming, parallelization.
  • Things we learned feature heavily in solving economic models.

  • You will work through many such models in Econ 899 and hopefully your own research.

Happy coding!