August 16, 2023


  • Central Processing Unit: Executes instructions of a computer program.
  • Modern CPUs have multiple processor cores (“processes”).
    • Different processes can execute different tasks at same time (multi-processing).
    • Each core has its own memory.
  • Modern cores/CPU execute several tasks at the same time (multi-threading)
    • Each task is called a thread
    • Threads will share memory.

Multi-processing or multi-threading?

  • When is multi-threading better than multi-processing?
  • Multi-threading: All workers share same memory.
    • Faster set-up and faster to share memory across workers.
    • Need to be careful when workers edit same memory (“data race”).
    • All workers need to be on same computer/server.
  • Multi-processing: All workers have their own memory
    • Slower to set up and share memory.
    • Need to be careful about what information each worker needs.
    • Workers can exist across computers/servers.

What does this mean for you?

  • Multi-processing and multi-threading allow you to complete tasks in parallel and speed up your code if done well.
  • So far, you are not taking full advantage of computation resources available to you.
  • Your laptop likely has several cores that can have two threads of execution.
  • UW-Madison has a lot of computing power available for you to use.

Social Science Computing Cooperating

  1. Linstat: 4 interactive Linux servers
    • Each server has 36 or 48 cores.
    • Good for checking that your code actually works on SSCC’s servers before submitting to slurm.
  2. Slurm: 40 Servers with a total of 5,000 cores.
    • Most servers have 128 cores.
    • You can let your code run for up to 10 days.

Be mindful that other people need to use Linstat and Slurm, too.

  • SSCC has other resources for jobs that need lots of memory (Winstat BIG) and jobs that use confidential data (SILO).

Center for High Throughput Computing

  • High Performance Computing (HPC): Multi-processing tasks.
  • High Throughput Computing Cluster (HTC): Multi-threading tasks.
  • I am not so familiar with these resources.

Example: Solving Capital Savings

  • Value function iteration to solve for \(V\) \[ V_{n+1}(z,k) = \max_{c,k'} \:\:\: \log(c) + \beta \textbf{E}_{z'}[V_{n}(z',k')|z]. \] \[ c + k' = zk^\alpha + (1-\delta)k. \]
  • We are solving on some capital grid \(\{k_1, k_2, ..., k_n\}\).
  • Can ask different cores/workers to solve for \(\{k'(z,k), c(z,k), V_{n+1}(z,k)\}\) at different initial \(k\).
  • Then gather all information together, and go again.

Example: Simulating Capital Savings

  • Now we have solved for \(V\).
  • Suppose we want to simulates lots of histories of \(c\) and \(k\).
  • We generate a bunch of random paths for productivity \(\{z_t\}\).
  • Simulate paths of \(c\) and \(k\).
  • Instead of doing this all on one core, we can simulate many different paths at the same time using parallel computing.

No Free Lunch

  • Parallelization is not a free lunch because of over-head costs.
  • Having many cores running uses more memory.
  • Sharing memory across cores takes time.
  • If you are doing lots of calculations that take a long time to run, parallelization can help.
  • There are also diminishing returns that can kick in quickly for smaller problems.

Simple savings model with many cores

Accessing Linstat and Slurm

Linstat Cheat Sheet

  • Open interactive julia REPL.
  • Run a julia script file and send save output to text file.
  julia script.jl > output.txt & 
  • Change working directory to a folder.
  cd FolderPath

Linstat Cheat Sheet (Continued)

  • See jobs running on current Linstat server.
  • To close top, press “q”.
  • Stop a job PID that is currently running
  kill PID

Slurm Cheat Sheet

  • To run a script file on slurm with N cores and M gb of memory:
  ssubmit --cores=N --mem=Mg "julia script.jl"
  • To figure out how much memory you need:
    1. Run your job on Linstat and check its memory use (RES).
    2. Then kill your job and send it to slurm.
  • Slurm will send you an email when your job is done running.
  • You can submit to specific partitions of the server using the option --part.

Slurm Cheat Sheet (Continued)

  • To see jobs that are running on slurm, use
squeue -a
  • To cancel your job:
scancel JOBID

Linstat vs. Slurm

  • Linstat is good for:
    1. Interactive coding.
    2. Checking that your code runs on SSCC servers.
    3. See how much memory you are using.
    4. Sending jobs to slurm.
  • Slurm is good for big jobs that need lots of cores and run for a long time.